School Transportation
According to a decision of the Municipal Council, school transportation is offered to the student’s nearest school. If the student attends a school other than their nearest school, they are not entitled to free school transportation.
Students entitled to school transportation:
1) Preschool children if the length of the school route exceeds 3 km or the Koululiitu risk value exceeds 180.
2) Students in grades 1–2 if the length of the school route exceeds 3 km or the Koululiitu risk value exceeds 199.
3) Students in grades 3–4 if the length of the school route exceeds 4 km or the Koululiitu risk value exceeds 215.
4) Students in grades 5–9 if the length of the school route exceeds 5 km or the Koululiitu risk value exceeds 240.
If a road stretch is considered dangerous for students in grades 1–2, students with a shorter route to school may receive transportation. Dangerous roads include Malaxvägen and Strandvägen if the student cannot cross the road through a tunnel.
Students in grades 1–2 are expected to make their way to a major road within 1.5 km. Students in grades 3–9 are expected to make their way to a major road within 3 km.
Contact the Education Office if you have questions regarding school transportation, 040 650 7979 or 050 462 6099.